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General Delegation of Public Works

Historical background

Anxious to strengthen rigor and bring clarity in the process of negotiation, conclusion and monitoring of public contracts, the President of the Republic, His Excellency Denis SASSOU NGUESSO created by decree n ° 2002-371 of December 3 2002, the General Delegation for public works.

Reorganized by decree n ° 2009-162 of May 20, 2009, fixing the thresholds for the award, control and approval of public contracts, then, by decree n ° 2014-35 of February 17, 2014, reorganizing the Delegation general for public works, the General Delegation for public works is the administrative and technical organ responsible for the award and execution of public procurement contracts and public service delegation contracts of the State and other legal entities of public or private law, subject to the decree on the public procurement code, falling within the threshold defined by article 13 of the reorganizing decree.


The general delegation for public works is the administrative and technical organ responsible for the award and execution of public procurement contracts and contracts for the delegation of public service from the State and other legal persons under public law or private, subject to the decree on the public procurement code; falling within the threshold defined in article 13 of the decree fixing the thresholds for awarding, monitoring and approving public contracts. 

Within the framework of its duties as delegated contracting authority of the Republic of Congo, the general delegation for public works is responsible for the management, technical and financial monitoring of major contracts.

As such, it shall have the responsibility to:

  • develop, in consultation with the contracting authority, the annual public procurement plans and public service delegations;          
  • ensure the reservation of credits and funds intended to finance the public market or service delegations with the ministries and services involved in the public expenditure chain;          
  • organize and proceed to the call for tenders with candidates for public contracts or public service delegations;          
  • to analyze and evaluate the offers carrying out public contracts or delegations of public services;          
  • draft, conclude and manage contracts;          
  • assess from a technical and financial point of view, the descriptive and estimated quotes of the contracts, as well as their execution;           
  • organize and proceed with the reception of works, goods or services;          
  • ensure control of the execution of the public service by the delegated authority;          
  • keep the public procurement monitoring register and public service delegations.


The general delegation for public works is placed under the authority of the minister in charge of the general delegation for public works who coordinates activities and shall comprise: 

  • the technical committee;          
  • the technical coordination;          
  • the coordinating of public contracts and regulation;          
  • the coordination of administration and finance;          
  • the coordination of structural projects.    

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