In accordance with decree n ° 2009-233 of August 14, 2009, fixing the reorganization of the studies and planning department within the ministries, the studies and planning department shall have the responsibility to:
- Develop strategies for the sector, the priority action plan for the medium-term expenditure framework;
- Ensure the consistency of the strategy, action plan and implementation across projects;
- Conduct any economic and financial study on the preparation of projects;
- Carry out all the work on the preparation of projects and programs;
- Monitor, control and evaluate the projects of the ministry;
- Carry out all the work of analyzing and interpreting the ministry's statistics;
- Participate in the supervision of the management of public contracts of the ministry;
- Carry out or have carried out all the studies or inquiries necessary to improve the quality of public service;
- Coordinate and monitor all the ministry's plans and programs.
The directorate of studies and planning, in addition to the secretariat shall comprise:
- The studies department;
- The statistics service;
- The planning department.